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Abortion Projects

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The videos and pictures on this page may be disturbing to sensetive viewers !!

STOP ABORTION STOP THE KILLING ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Life is such a precious gift but many people dont feel the same. There are so many women out there that would LOVE to have children but will never be able to. Then there are women that can have children but the timimng that they fall pregnant doesnt suit them so they decide to destroy the life inside of them by having an  abortion. This project is very close to our hearts because innocent childrens life are being destroyed because some people feel that they dont have a choice. These precious lives cant speak or fight for themselves that is why we decided to fight and speak for those who cant. You would think that the small life inside of a womens body doesnt feel pain but I guarentee you that they feel just as much pain as you do. ​​


Here is an exercise for you. imagine you fell into a cage of hungry lions and they started to tear your limbs off piece by piece.​

now that is the pain that a precious unborn child feels. Being pregnant is a blessing not a curse. Since when do humans have the right to choose who lives or who dies,no human has that right not even the government.​​​​​


​​​​​​​Our idea is to get a large enough piece of ground ( FARM ) where we can establish  a safe haven for young women or women of any age who feel that they have no one to turn to or no where to go, that they can come to this safe haven (HOME) where we will look after pregnant women to show them that there is another option,anything but abortion,an option like adoption. This place will be a place where they will be loved and they will feel worthy. We will help them to the very end, If there are girls who fall pregnant in school, we will help them to finish their education. With all the girls or women that came to the safe haven,they will be treated like GOD wants them to be treated, with LOVE, RESPECT and KINDNESS. If they feel they cant look after their child we will help them find a good loving home for the child.​

​In order to make this all possible we would like to ask the public and business to open their heart and help us to make this a wonderful reality. By helping us, you will actually be helping them. You can help anyway, by financial contributions or maybe you feel moved to help in another way. Your help is always welcome.

For more infomation on how you can donate or become involved, go to our donations page. ​​

The pictures on this page may be disturbing to sensetive viewers !!

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