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Homeless Project


Walking down the street, people turn away,​​

They see ratty clothes and dirty faces and they have nothing to say.

A fear of them asking for money because they have non,

But no one realises they are just people that dont have a ton.

Some couldn't pay their bills and others hooked on drugs,

I am pretty sure half of them would do anything for a hug.

People walk by like they are nothing and treat them unfair,

But does anyone think when you pass to say a quick prayer.

Some of them have kids, husband and a wife,

Dont you think they feel guilty for not being a part of their life.

No-one knows their storie because no one really cares,

Its like they watch people pass them as their hearts tear.

Would it hurt to take some time and ask them about their day,You might even brighten it instead of it being gray.

They are just people living their lives as best as they can,

So as you walk past dont look away,

Remember that this isnt where their life began.


Some people end up on the streets due to the choices they make, but some people end up there due to certain circumstances, But in the end nobody  really wants to be there. If one person would care enough to take the time just to find out what happened in their life that they ended up on the street. If people would take the time to show them some LOVE, they might see that people do still CARE, this might give them HOPE to want to improve their lives.

GODS UNITED KINGDOM wants to create a place where they came come and have a meal, feel loved and hear the word of GOD, where GODS word will help them. This BEAUTIFUL place will be a place where broken people can come and see what LOVE is, what GODS LOVE really is and what it really feels like. Our team will work one on on with them so they can get the best support possibe. GODS word can help them to start thinking positive thoughts about themselves, to help them find a job and get their lives back on track.

Life is so short and showing someone some KINDNESS AND LOVE will cost you nothing, You will not become poor but richer because sharing your time with them may not mean anything to you but it means the world to them. In GODS word it says YOU ARE BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING.  

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